Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our fourth and final corner! Home at last!

 "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

After 93 days and over 14,000 miles, we pulled into our driveway to the best homecoming ever!

We were welcomed by signs in our driveway, signs over the car, signs on the front door and signs in just about every room of our house:
"Welcome home to your kitchen"
"Welcome home to your bedroom" 
"Welcome home to your bathroom!"

 Sean, Beckie and the grand kids went all out making our homecoming signs and our welcome one we will always cherish!

Our oldest, Michael,  organized a work party and made sure that even all the yard work was completed! 
Our dear Alicia, who house sat while we were away, prepared a lasagna dinner so we would not have to cook after our long ride home!

 We spent a wonderful evening with our kids and grand kids relaxing and catching up at the conclusion of our
"Divine Appointments Ride".

You may notice that Ryan, on the right, has his left arm tucked inside of his hoodie.  He suffered a broken collar bone on Sunday morning in an off road motorcycle mishap and is actually looking at possible surgery this coming week. 
Please keep him in your prayers!

We began our final day in Prescott Arizona. 

We woke to a beautiful, breezy morning with the temp in the mid 40's.

We bid farewell to Tom and Lynn Garasha with the song "California here I come, right back were I started from", on our lips!

  Although the wind increased as we descended into the desert area of Arizona,
the ride down the grade into the lowlands was breathtaking!

 We entered our beloved California at Blythe, then traveled Hwy 78 across the
"Mounds of Sugar" at the
Glamis Off Road Recreational Vehicle area. 

Even El Centro was beautiful!  Heading west towards the grade that rises from the desert floor, we had a crowd of windmills, arms outstretched, beckoning us home!

But that is where things began to change! 

The forecast was 40% chance of rain in San Diego on our final day. 

The grade from El Centro turned ominous!

We fortunately pulled to a wide spot and
"suited up" with our rain gear!

This was our view, but as Micky likes to say,  
"It may have been raining, but at least the wind was howling and it was really foggy!"

But once again, God had His divine hand of protection upon us and as we descended into the Alpine, Harbison Canyon, El Cajon areas, the foul weather began to break and we were welcomed with the amazing San Diego skies that we know and love so well!

But wait!, we had one more corner to go! 
    Micky told Kathie that we could cut 80 miles from our final day and call it good
        by saying that Vista is in San Diego County and that would count for our 4th corner,
                 but "noooo...."  she says "We've got to go to the border or it won't count!"
So southbound 805 to the Mexico Border we go!

The traffic was horrific at the border crossing,

and of course Micky did not want to be caught IN MEXICO with a gun,

so we bailed off at the last USA exit and found a parking lot adjacent to the border fence to take our final pictures of our 

        "Four Corners Ride!"

We took our first picture with the Mexican Flag in the background and then several more.
  We actually became "giddy" as the realization came upon us that we had actually "DONE IT!"

93 Days,   14,000 Miles!  
  The Four Corners of the 
     Continental United States!

The moment became "surreal" as we recounted the previous 3 months
   and God's hand in our journey; 
      His protection,
         His provision,
           and the "Appointments" that He ordained!

We wondered what the Border Patrol Agent, posted at the fence 100 yards southwest of our location, thought as we carried on like a couple of "lovestruck teenagers!"

We then turned the old "Trusty Harley" northbound,
  (and if you look closely, you can see the "4,000" mile mark on our odometer)
      ((it turned over at 10K miles))  
           so we crossed the 14,000 mile mark
                   as we made our way to the "Grand Welcome
                            that awaited us at our homestead in dear old Vista, California!

For all of you that faithfully followed,  AND PRAYED, for us during our journey, from the bottom of our hearts, we THANK YOU!
We have had over SIX THOUSAND hits on our blog spanning 7 different countries!  

God truly blessed us with "Divine Appointments" throughout our 4 corners trek! 

We spent 93 glorious days traveling across this great country of ours,
     experiencing the majesty of our Creator,
        not only in the beauty of His creation, but ESPECIALLY in the handiwork of HIS people!

We are so thankful for the opportunity to be involved in the lives of many, many wonderful people!
     From family to friends to strangers, our lives have been enriched by the interactions 
 we experienced during our 93 day motorcycle ride!

We could go on for hours, thanking those who prayed for us, spent time with us, 
      allowed us to "camp out" in their homes, 
          and those who took the time to make our trip so special, 
              but we know that this blog is long enough as it is! 

But here's a couple of memories that are so special to us!




 Our second corner, Madawaska Maine!

                                                      Our third corner, Key West Florida!

           And our fourth and final corner, San Ysidro California!

One final thought...   
   We don't know a lot, but we know this one thing;  
      God loves us, perfectly and completely!
          He knows us intimately.  He knows all of our faults, all of our imperfections, 
                and all of our shortcomings and He still loves us and wants a relationship with us!

This trip has blessed us more that you can imagine.  
        Many have asked us, "what is the best memory of your trip?"

Our answer?  Relationships.  Relationship with God and with His people.  

Thank you for following us on this journey.  
We hope that you have been blessed through our experiences and we pray that you will be open to the "Divine Appointments" that God places in your path.  
They may just change your life. 

May God bless you all. 
Micky and Kathie

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
                                                                                                                   Revelation 22:13

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